Meet our team at Enforce Tac!
We’re excited to share that Future Forces Forum will be exhibiting at Enforce Tac from February 24–26, 2025 in Nuremberg. With our new partnership agreement in place, we’re all set to make a big impact at the event!
Come and meet our visionary Executive Director & Partner, Adam Drnek. Adam is passionate about innovation in security and defence and is eager to connect with industry professionals, share insights, and explore new opportunities.
Whether you're interested in the latest trends, potential collaborations, or simply a chat about the future of law enforcement and defence, this is a great chance to get to know one of the driving forces behind FFF.
Meet our Sales Team at Enforce Tac in Nuremberg, Booth 9-235. Schedule a meeting at
Get Your Free Ticket to Enforce Tac!
Based on the partnership of Future Forces and Enforce Tac organizers, we are happy to share with you a free visitor ticket to the upcoming Enforce Tac 2025.
Use the free entry ticket code "ET25FFF" here!
GLENAIR to Exhibit at Future Forces 2026
GORE-TEX to Exhibit at Future Forces 2026
Česká vláda schválila zvýšení obranných výdajů až na 3 % HDP do roku 2030
MEOPTA se představí na Future Forces 2026
Early Bird registrace vystavovatelů na FFF 2026 zahájena
Tým FFF na veletrhu Enforce Tac!
Dohoda o spolupráci s Policejní akademií
Generálporučík (v.v.) Jaromír Zůna posiluje tým FFF
Reprezentační ples velitele Vzdušných sil AČR
Šťastné svátky a úspěšný nový rok!