3rd Future Air Force Conference will Host 29 National Delegations
In the coming days, Prague will host the next edition of the Future Air Force Conference. As part of FUTURE FORCES FORUM, the event promises to be an epicentre of innovation, discussing state-of-the-art pilot training methodologies and techniques. Under the distinguished guardianship of the Czech Air Force Commander MG Petr ČEPELKA, it’s poised to shape the trajectory of modern aviation.
The conference is thematically divided into four sessions that will address the key challenges for commanders, planners and decision makers in the coming years:
- Challenges of Modern Air Training and System Solution
- Pilot Recruitment - A Major Challenge for the Air Forces
- Industry Engagenment in Future Air Force Personnel Training
- Challenges of Modern Air Training and System Solution - National Views
Over 100 official national and international delegates from 29 countries and 5 Air Force Commanders confirmed the participation. Owing to the event’s elite nature, conference is held in the invitation-only mode.
The continuation of this regular conference will take place in October 2024.
More information is available here.
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