Future Forces Forum Participates in the Outreach Event at NATO HQ, Brussels
The Future Forces Forum (FFF) team presented the new project for 2016 and our partners during the specialized Outreach Event on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Non-proliferation and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats in Brussels, Belgium, on 22 September 2015. The main goal of the event was to familiarise Allies and Partners with NATO´s work in the aforementioned areas and activities to prevent, detect and respond to CBRN risks. www.jcbrncoe.cz
Our exposition was in the spotlight of the participating experts who expressed their interest in the FFF 2016 programme, especially in the World CBRN & Medical Congress.
FUTURE FORCES Forum will allow NATO and all allied nations to share current initiatives with the relevant audience and to acquaint all participants with lessons learned from training and operations in the field of CBRN Defence; Military Medicine; Dismounted Soldier Systems; Unmanned, Autonomous and Robotic Systems; Logistics; Geospatial, Hydrometeorological and Global Navigation Satellite Systems; Cyber Defence; Counter-terrorism; and other.
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