Mr. Tomáš Kuchta
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As part of the Czech Defence Minister’s assuming of the patronage over the Future Forces Forum project, it is my pleasure to inform you about the active participation of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic in this extraordinary project that will come to a head in Prague PVA EXPO centre on October 17-21st, 2016.
The Future Forces Forum is a project that offers opportunities for the representatives of the Ministry of Defence and all servicemembers of the Czech Armed Forces to expand their familiarity with the latest trends and developments in the domain of defense and security, especially through meetings with international experts but also through learning about the outcomes of research and development, including demonstrations by industrial enterprises and their offers of innovative technologies. There is a long-term and first-rate support by the Ministry of Defence and cooperation between the Ministry and the FFF project. The exhibition, congress, conference, workshops, meetings of expert groups and other accompanying events follow up on previous successful Future Soldier international exhibition and conference series, which saw regular participation by subject matter experts of the Ministry of Defence and relevant services of the Czech Armed Forces. The level of support that the Ministry of Defence provides for this project is not only political but actually takes on the form of the factual participation. That involves participation by the representatives of the Ministry of Defence in expert activities. For example the University of Defence is engaged in all expert programmes.
Internationally, the Future Forces Forum project is a unique opportunity to obtain the latest information about future trends, technologies, materials, armament and equipment innovations of future soldier, and interoperability of armed and special services. Therefore, Future Forces Forum will surely be of interest to the government, scientific and academic community concerned with security and also to the enterprises working on the public interest projects.
The international Future Forces Forum project also provides opportunity to introduce the current status and development goals of the Czech Armed Forces along with domestic defence and security industry to experts and specialists.
In the course of the main programme of Future Forces Forum in October 2016, the Ministry of Defence will present itself in accordance with the main topics of this year's forum. The integral part of the participation of the Ministry of Defence will also be a presentation of possible cooperation with defence and security industry of the Czech Republic because the Czech defence industry is a substantial and highly regarded partner to the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic.
I am confident that the long-term Future Forces Forum project will become a key venue for experts from all around the world to meet and allow presentation and exchange of experience and visions. With regard to the role and importance of this project, especially in the field of support for industrial and scientific organisations in the Czech Republic, I am honoured to assume the ”Honorary Chairman“ status of the expert programmes of the Future Forces Forum 2016 project.
Deputy Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic