brig. gen. Ing. Petr Šnajdárek
Future Forces Výstava 2024
Future C2 konference 2024
Ředitel sekce komunikačních a informačních systémů Ministerstva obrany
Ministerstvo obrany
Born in Hranice na Moravě. BG Snajdárek completed his studies at the University of Defence in Brno. He was deployed twice in Afghanistan (2009 and 2011-12). In 2015, he was responsible for deploying the first Czech Armed Forces unmanned aerial systems unit at the Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. In 2021-22, he was assigned to the Central Control Team of the Ministry of Health to tackle the Covid pandemic.
In professional terms, Brigadier General Šnajdárek pursues the development of command and control systems, use and implementation of new communication and information technologies, electronic warfare, unmanned aerial systems and software tools for effective battlefield digitalisation, as well as development of crisis management systems.
Promoted Brigadier General in 2022.
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