Col Frederic DORANDEU
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the World CBRN & Medical Congress (CEBIRAM) which has been organized to address the main aspects of the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats and defence against their effects.
Since 2013, sarin, chlorine and sulfur mustard have repeatedly been used in the Irak-Syria war zone. This proves that the threat from the deliberate use of chemical agents has not diminished although its nature has evolved. Proliferation of nuclear weapons is also a matter of great concern. Finally, although of natural origin, the Ebola virus crisis reinforced the need for a global preparation against outbreak of diseases that would be deliberately initiated.
All CBRN agents will not lead to doomsday and mass destruction; in fact, except for nuclear bombs or a highly lethal, and easily and rapidly spreading virus that may induce a major pandemic, the consequences could be manageable. However, to prevent a very probable mass disruption, preparation is paramount. Medical services have a great role to play, before, during and after the event. Medical countermeasures and casualty care is indeed one of the five enabling components for NATO CBRN defence. By attending the congress, you will be able to discover how the medical component also significantly contributes to the other four pillars of CBRN defence. Nations have their own expertise but, within NATO, they can also rely on the highly effective and collective expertise of the CBRN Medical Working Group that I have the honor and pleasure to chair.
Therefore, on behalf of the CBRN Medical WG, it is my pleasure to encourage CEBIRAM participants to attend the different talks that will be given.
I look forward to seeing you in Prague.
Col Frederic DORANDEU (PharmD, PhD, Prof.)
NATO COMEDS/NSO CBRN Medical Working Group Chairman