Daniel Kočí

Mr. Daniel Kočí

Dear ladies and gentlemen, business partners, participants and supporters,

In October 2016, Prague will traditionally become the venue of a meeting of domestic and foreign defence and security leaders, this time under a new name – Future Forces Forum (FFF). It is a long-term continuous project in support of interests of industry, government bodies, science, research and development, which links the military and the civilian sectors. FFF follows on and draws from successful international exhibitions and conferences that our agency has been organizing since 2000. Both domestic and international institutions and organizations are closely involved in the preparation of the project, helping define its contents and focus with an aim of achieving the most effective cooperation of the public and the private sectors. The most important long-standing participants in the project include the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and the Army of the Czech Republic, whose support and cooperation we have been enjoying for more than sixteen years. We can now also rely on broad support and professional involvement of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, Police Presidium, Fire Rescue Corps, and other important authorities of the state.

The current security situation and the related threats and challenges we are going to face in the next few years will require, now more than ever before, a comprehensive approach and international cooperation in preventing and dealing with these risks. Our project reflects these needs, providing an ideal platform and a unique gathering place for a discussion of experts from the whole world. Offering a broad portfolio of events and activities at the highest political, military and security level, including official meetings of expert working groups, it has been systematically and consistently pursuing its mission. 

The Future Forces Forum has been continuously developing, and its activities this year will culminate in the week from October 17 to 21 by an international exhibition, a congress, three conferences, four workshops, and meetings of several expert groups. The Czech Republic will have the honour of hosting official meetings of the largest expert group for the equipment, armament and protection of the future soldier – NATO Land Capability Group on Dismounted Soldier Systems (AC/225 LCG DSS), the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear MEDICAL Working Group (CBRN Med WG), international experts in military medicine – the Medical Material Military Pharmacy Working Group (MC MMMP WG), and experts in camouflaging of the NATO Science and Technology Organization. The exhibition and its programme, static and dynamic demonstrations will give those who will attend an opportunity to make a first-hand acquaintance with the latest technologies in the field of armament and equipment of armed and security forces, means of CBRN protection, critical infrastructure protection, protection of population, robotic technologies, unmanned ground and aerial vehicles, capabilities that can be used to stem the migration flow, border protection, defence against terrorism or principles of cyber security and ethics, civil-military cooperation (CIMIC), logistic solutions (Smart Energy, supply of water and POLs, storage, transport), use of innovative materials, and others.

The Future Forces Forum is a platform where leading experts, people involved in research and development, academicians and members of acquisition offices meet representatives of the industry and trade to establish contacts and develop cooperation to ensure necessary defence and security capabilities at both national and international levels. It presents interests, needs and acquisition plans of armies, elements of the Integrated Rescue System (police, Fire Rescue Corps, paramedics), Prison Guard Service and other uniformed elements, local and foreign government bodies, local governments, industry, as well as the latest achievements of science, research and education, thus connecting the public and the private sectors which are both interested in long-term effective cooperation.

I would like to conclude by thanking leading representatives from the Czech Republic and other countries, as well as all our partners, in particular the companies LOM PRAHA and VOP CZ and the Czech Technical University (CTU), for their very important support which we highly appreciate. I would also like to express my hope that this year´s twelfth sequel of the Future Forces in Prague will once again bring a lot of new information and valuable contacts, business opportunities and overall professional enrichment to all who will attend the event. I believe that the Future Forces Forum will follow on from the unquestionable success in previous years and will once again be a welcome opportunity for a joint meeting in a friendly atmosphere.

On behalf of the whole Future Forces Forum team, I am cordially inviting you to come and I am looking forward to seeing you in Prague.

Daniel KOČÍ
FFF Managing Director

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