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The Future Soldier Systems Conference (FSSC) would like to follow up on the successful Open NATO Future Soldier Workshop 2014 that offered a lot of inspiring views on the equipment of dismounted soldiers. It has been a mutual effort of both military and industry communities to provide dismounted soldiers with the best equipment. This issue is becoming more urgent with all the threats dismounted soldiers have to face on the modern battlefield. To make sure soldiers get exactly what they need is not an easy task to fulfill, as there are a lot of different threats to protect them against. Also, there are a lot of other factors to take into account, such as cost, budgets, logistics, planning procedures or acquisition processes. We believe a platform like FSSC will help to address some of these challenges and to close some of the capability gaps in the protection of dismounted soldiers.

The conference would like to stay focused on technological as well as logistical issues connected with dismounted soldier systems and to cover the most recent progress in the area of research and development. Presentations addressing new trends in combat clothing, individual equipment (providing protection to soldiers for example against bullets, fragments, flame and flash, noise, laser, detection, CBRN, effects of blast, environmental threats such as hot or cold climates, non-ballistic threats such as blunt trauma), load-carrying systems, small arms and ammunition, communication and ID devices, optics and sensors are welcome. It is apparent though that single solutions to single problems are not ideal solutions. Soldier’s burden has become one of the biggest challenges of today, when introducing new equipment. That is why we would also like to concentrate on integration of systems, on modular systems and on other ways how to increase soldiers’ mobility.

Our goal is to gather experts from the military area and academia, as well as other security or rescue forces such as police or firefighters, who have the knowledge, expertise and experience in individual protection and equipment and are willing to share it with other experts and professionals who work in the area of dismounted soldier systems. With your help, we will be able to prepare an event that will contribute to supporting our soldiers and saving their lives on the modern battlefield.


1.   Future Soldier/Dismounted Soldier Systems Projects & Lessons Learned

2.   Weapon systems, Optics, Sensors, Camouflage

3.   Survivability: Soldier Readiness, Protection, Endurance

4.   Mobility, C4I, Power and Connectors

PROGRAMME COMMITTEE                          





Military Technology, Defence Procurement International, Europäische Sicherheit (European Security and Defence), Small Arms Defense Journal, Armádní Noviny (Army News), A-report,,, Global Military Communications Magazine, Safety & Security International, Counter-IED Report, Al Defaiya, Kommando International Special Operations Magazine, CDIS Review, Homeland Security, Global Security, BeaverLake6 Report, Frag Out!, Military Systems & Technology,,,, Al Musallh Magazine, Asian Military Review,, Armada International, Fuerzas Militares del Mundo (Military World), Defence and Security of India, Advances in Military Technology, Defence and Security Alert, Special OPS, 21 Century Asian Arms Race, Cops Today International,, and other.


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