FUTURE FORCES FORUM has long been working closely with NATO, EDA and other international organisations. NATO civilian and military structures, including Alliance organisations and agencies, regularly participate in the FFF program. The international activities of the FFF 2026 include organisation of official meetings of the NATO working groups – NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG) - TBC, and NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).

Representatives of these groups and institutions are actively involved in the FFF expert panels, exhibition and other events, providing all participants with a unique opportunity to discuss in person the operational experiences and requirements for future military and security projects. Future Forces exhibitors and partners are also offered the exceptional opportunity for closed presentations to individual expert groups (based on the permission of each group). Please contact us for more information on presentation opportunities.





The NATO Support and Procurement Agency is NATO’s main services provider, delivering a broad spectrum of integrated capabilities for the Alliance, its member nations and partners.

NSPA’s mission is to provide responsive, effective and cost-efficient logistics support services for systems and operations. This support is delivered – in times of peace, crisis and conflict, wherever required – to NATO Allies, the NATO Military Authorities and partner countries, both individually and collectively. Concretely, the Agency acquires, operates and maintains weapons systems, fuel delivery, port services, airfield logistics, airlift, medical and catering services, and base support services for all its customers across the world. It consolidates and centralises logistics management functions allowing its customers to achieve economies of scale.

The Agency's organizational structure is composed of four main business units:

Through cross-nation procurements, NATO – through the NSPA – aims to link industry capabilities and national requirements to find the most cost-effective and efficient solutions. The NSPA provides support to NATO and Partner countries, the NATO Response Force (NRF) and operations approved by the North Atlantic Council (NAC) in the area of dismounted soldiers. The NSPA operates in the marketplace to combine industrial capabilities and national requirements in order to find the most cost-effective and efficient solutions, whether for national or collective defence. Any company interested in working with the NSPA must register (free of charge) with the NSPA Source File, a central database containing past, present and potential suppliers, including performance and capabilities.


Confirmed WG Meeting concurrently with the Future Forces Exhibition & Forum 2026, Prague


NATO Army Armaments Group     NATO Army Armaments Group


The basic mission of the NAAG is to support nations achieving the objectives of the NATO Land Forces armaments cooperation. Through its formal and informal subordinate groups, the NAAG promotes interoperability of Alliance as well as Partner Armed Forces by means of information exchange, materiel standardization, and copoperation activities.

Tha NAAG structure consists of various expert working groups whose annual meetings are traditionally being organised within the FUTURE FORCES FORUM in Prague in order to support the information exchange and networking of the subject matter experts from military, industry, and academia.

The NATO Army Armaments Group (AC/225-NAAG) is one of the three Main Armaments Groups (MAG) subordinate to NATO's Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD).


Yet to be confirmed WG Meeting concurrently with the Future Forces Exhibition & Forum 2026, Prague

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