General Conference Partner


Main Conference Partner


Ukraine Pavilion Partner


FFF General Partner

Czechoslovak Group, General Partner of Future Forces Forum


FFE General Partner


FFF Partner

Rescue Trailer, Partner Future Forces Forum


FFF R&D Partners




Under the Auspices of




In Cooperation with


      Ukrainian Defense and Security Industry Association 


Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic



SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE - Future of Civil Security

The war in Ukraine has clearly demonstrated the need for cooperation between the armed and security forces, public institutions, self-governing and local authorities. As a result of the unprecedented Russian aggression against Ukraine, attacks on civilian targets and critical infrastructure, the mining of occupied territories and the huge refugee migration, the international working group led by the FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF), the Association Ukraininan Defense and Security Industry (UADSI), and the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (AOBP) prepared a concept of the Future of Civil Security (FCS) Conference, covering both military and civil security issues arising from the experience and lessons learned from the conflict in Ukraine.


The main objective of the FCS Conference is to provide specialized platform for interactions and exchange of information, lessons identified and lessons learned not only in combat zones in order to strengthen the defence and homeland security of the Allied and partner countries while providing Ukrainian counterparts with the necessary support in supplying equipment and services to ensure the security of civilians and infrastructure. An important part of the conference will also address the issue of reconstruction war-affected areas. A showcase of defence and security technologies and solutions provided by both the public and the private sectors will also be held at the concurrent Future Forces Exhibition, held as part of the FUTURE FORCES FORUM 2024.


A three-day international expert-focused forum consisting of conferences, exhibition and networking events. The conference part consists of two parallel panels (security/civil sector), aimed to at improve and streamline cooperation of military, security and civil institutions (government, regional, municipal and local authorities) in crisis situations to protect infrastructure, ensure rapid recovery and functioning of the civilian population.


The main objective of the conference is to provide specialized platform for interactions and exchange of information, experience and knowledge gained not only in combat zones in order to strengthen the defence and internal security of allied and partner countries. And, at the same time, to provide Ukrainian counterparts with the necessary support in supplying equipment and services to ensure the security of civilians and infrastructure.


Representatives of military, security, law enforcement, emergency domain and civil administrations of Ukraine.


Security Sector – Experts from the NATO organizations and institutions, EU bodies, Ministries of Defence, Armed and Security Forces, representatives of defence and security industry, R&D and academia

Civilian Sector – Civilian institutions from EU countries, EU Committee representatives, logistics and infrastructure experts


Security sector – Challenges and lessons learned from the war on Ukraine: Logistics and Supply; Artillery Systems and Air Defence; Radio Electronic Warfare; Unmanned and Autonomous Systems; Situational Models Awareness, Control and Interactions; Military and Crisis Medicine; Engineering Equipment; Communication Systems; Individual Equipment, Armament and Protection (Dismounted Soldier Systems); Small Arms and Ammunition; Electronics and Software; Simulation and Training

Civilian Sector – Cooperation between armed forces and civil administration in the following areas: Mine Clearance of Facilities and Territories; Civil and Crisis Healthcare; Civilian evacuation and placement of internally displaced persons of IDPs; Provision of jobs for IDPs; Education during states of war or crisis; Evacuation/relocation of businesses; Protection and rehabilitation of infrastructure; International volunteer movements

The Ukrainian pavilion will provide focus on the international support, cooperation and reconstruction process and the agenda will be divided in three main thematic parts.

Collaboration of the Law Enforcement Agencies and Civil Administration:

Military - Civil Administrations Implement the Following Measures:

Recovery and Reconstruction:



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